

    From the Paleolithic inferior, the city of Badajoz and its surroundings have been places preferred for the establishment of diverse cultures and preRoman towns, especially in the Age of the Bronze and the Iron.

  Badajoz this to borders of laughed Guadiana and was an important nucleus in the Lusitania, that visigoda would hold fast during the domination. After the fall of the Cordovan Califato, Badajoz became one of the important kingdoms taifas but of the Peninsula, place of conquests and recaptures between Muslims and Christians.

  The life of this city during the Average Age will be noticeable as much by the Castilian civil wars in centuries XIII and XIV, like by its border situation with Portuguese earth. Paradoxicalally, centuries later Badajoz has become bridge of union of Extremadura and Spain with the neighboring country and main body in the existing ground communication lineses with Portugal.

  The growth of this beautiful city and the mighty university life have made of Badajoz the nucleus urban but populated with Extremadura, with an extensive and admirable historical-artistic and cultural patrimony that makes of her an attractive and sociable city, fruit of the contribution of many cultures.

Routes of the World - Peninsular routes - Extremadura - Badajoz - Spain - Copyright